To assist you with the development of solid IP strategies, THE FRANCIS COMPANY first identifies and scrutinizes the totality of your IP rights. Doing so is akin to reviewing a financial portfolio to ensure the wisdom of a diversified and protected investment portfolio.
We swiftly: (1) look at your IP portfolio and related management systems, (2) identify potential budget cuts, (3) uncover under-utilized and dormant assets to determine the extent of your portfolio, its longevity, enforceability, effective and proper use, licensing and other monetization strategies and your IP’s market influence, and (4) assist you in the implementation of refined strategies, all to reduce your IP costs and improve your market position.
A well thought out and consistently implemented IP strategy significantly differentiates you from your competitors. But, securing distinctive and protectable IP is a challenge as you start your business, prepare to sell it, or expand it across your city, state, the US or the globe. These circumstances demand an appropriate audit and pro-active planning as new and challenging IP issues arise.